5 ways how entrepreneurs can stay motivated

Santosh Nair
3 min readSep 12, 2020

Bringing a business to life from ground zero is a humongous task. It demands time effort and energy. To be persistent and stay committed to one’s business idea is challenging, especially as every entrepreneur faces obstacles in his/her journey.

As an entrepreneur, you are solely responsible for goal setting and holding yourself accountable. There is nobody in a higher position that’s responsible for your progress, goal setting and performance. It’s all on you.

Many entrepreneurs, new ones especially, have a difficult time with this. If you are not disciplined and motivated, failure is imminent. If you find yourself lacking focus, it’s time to leverage self-motivation to help you achieve your entrepreneurial goal. Use these five ways to remain motivated while striving toward your personal and business goals.

Focus on the present

Motivation is a limited resource. Those who use it wisely will reap significant rewards, and they’ll be able to progress faster. Nevertheless, motivation has a lot to do with focusing. Your motivation goes where your attention goes, so mastering your thoughts and feelings will help you control the motivation factor whenever you please.

Start focusing your energy, thoughts, and actions on the present moment. Shift your perspective. Don’t chase the final results but focus on the journey. Everything you do right now counts, as you’re creating causes and effects.

If you hadn’t given all your attention to consuming that information correctly, the lifetime opportunity would have never popped out. It goes the same with everything. Focus on your journey (present) and let the future guide you.


For being so physically demanding, exercise is an incredible way to release stress and find motivation. By nature, exercise is similar to entrepreneurship — both involve hard work, excuses are not welcome in either, and they’re all about personal development. The dedication and motivation that come from exercise carry over to entrepreneurship, so don’t skip that workout.

Converse regularly with accordant individuals

It takes a lot of people to build a good business. You must start building a network of associates or hire a virtual assistant early on who will help you with the day-to-day as well as the strategic execution of your vision.

Of course, having a mentor is very important as well, because you can learn a lot from someone who’s been there and done it. The important thing is to create a support system of people who’re willing to lend an ear or offer valuable advice whenever you need it.

Talk proudly about your business

Talking proudly about how you built your small empire grounds up will instil more confidence in you. Further, this will help you get feedback from your peers and family. It need not necessarily be face to face interactions, but you could rather interact with people through social media and online platforms.

Connect with other entrepreneurs like you through forums or communities. If you have an inspirational story, share that with them. This will help you indirectly make a name for your brand as well.

Keep yourself entertained in your spare time

You don’t always have to be focused only on your work. Indulging in other activities that you find motivational can also drive your entrepreneurial success. In your time, you could watch inspirational films, both fiction and documentaries, listen to motivating podcasts, or even listen to music you find uplifting. These activities can be performed at home while preparing your meals or during your commute.

When you want to thrive in your business, staying motivated is essential. Use these ideas to stay motivated so you can reach your goals. To learn more about how to stay motivated to help your business flourish, follow me @…

