Goal Setting Tips For Growing Your Business Exponentially

Santosh Nair
3 min readSep 15, 2020


It’s widely accepted that goal setting is the best way to become more organised, motivated and successful. This being especially true for sales teams, for whom performance is often evaluated through a range of metrics and assessments. The specific goals you set for your team will depend on a variety of factors, such as team size, industry, length of the sales cycle, and more. There are a plethora of resources and templates available to help with goal setting. No matter what you choose to use, it is essential for your salespeople to frequently set goals for both short & long-term and hold themselves accountable. Below, find out how to set sales goals on an individual and team level. It might seem like a lot of work, but the result is motivated salespeople who have the support they need to succeed.

Gather feedback from colleagues

Gathering the opinions and assessments from trusted colleagues and friends will give you a more global picture of where you stand. We tend to be either too positive or too negative about ourselves; having the perspectives of a select few helps in balancing out the picture. Encourage those that you approach to be as candid and open as possible & tell them you want the truth, not just what you want to hear. Synthesis as much of that feedback into your goal setting process as possible.

Monitor success

You need to keep your motivation strong to complete your goal. Consider scheduling a weekly evaluation, which could include measuring your progress and checking your schedule. Once you see how close the finish line is, you’ll feel more motivated to push through to the end. If you’re a little behind schedule, make necessary adjustments and keep going.

Speed up the sales cycle

Speeding up the sales process closes deals quicker. This means that the company will realise the revenue faster, and the sales representative will have more time to spend on other deals and prospecting activities. Creating a goal to reduce the amount of time it takes to move a lead to an opportunity or an opportunity to a customer will speed up the sales cycle.

Prioritise training

Sales can be a battle sometimes, and you always want your team to have the best weapons & tools available to assist them. This means providing your team with training and resources around your company’s unique product. For the long-term success of your sales team & your company, you might have to look beyond just immediate sales goals. Take the time to dig into their process and see what’s working and what isn’t.

Don’t change your direction

You created your goals, strategy and tactics for a reason. You selected the technology for a reason. Give that plan enough time to work before you scrap it and start over. If you are going to start over, recognise this as a setback toward your goals, and reset those goals realistically.

Set attainable goals

It certainly makes sense to set ambitious sales targets, but you also want your goals to be attainable, so your representatives don’t get discouraged when they come up short. You should be reasonably confident that an employee can achieve the target if they have a decent work ethic and the right skills for the job. You should always aim to improve, but aiming for unattainable goals can leave your team feeling burnt out and discouraged and can make it harder to track your team’s progress. The tips covered above highlight how challenging this entire process is. It takes discipline, hard work, firm leadership and healthy communication to achieve success. To learn more about goal setting and how to help your business flourish, follow me on Instagram @…

