Necessary Measures Small Businesses Should Take To Achieve Success

Santosh Nair
3 min readSep 15, 2020


There are unpredictable reasons for the success and survival of a business, i.e. both external and internal factors. A large part of business failure and success depends on the problems defined externally. Most small business owners have limited experience in management while tend to have technical or professional skills. This factor can result in a subsequent reversal of the fortune in widespread business failure. Everyone, including suppliers, investors, employees and customers lose when a business owner fails. As a business owner, you need to take steps to minimise these kinds of risks by obtaining insurance for your business and assets and implementing security measures as well as disaster planning. Here are a few crucial ways to prevent risks that your small business may face.

Diversify offerings

Whether a small business deal in services or tangible goods, increasing the number of offerings reduces company risk through the availability of backup sources of funding. A retail store that depends on one product line runs the risk of an immediate shutdown should the original product lose public favour.

Acquire insurance

Although insurance doesn’t entirely reduce risk, it helps the small businesses by supporting them from taking the entire financial burden that is associated with either defective inventory or an employee that has been injured and thus reduces the risk of the business folding. You need to seriously consider insuring your inventory, the company property, business equipment and vehicles and also maintain a workers compensation policy.

Interview thoroughly

It can be easy to have just the owner or CEO interview candidates at a small business, but that can be a mistake. Having several contrasting employees interview the candidate can go a long way to diminish bad hiring risk. It’s recommended that three or four employees from outside the hiring department should be involved as well to provide an overall perspective of the candidate.

Analyse expenditure

The number-one risk for most small businesses is improper cash-flow management. Calculate every month how much money you have on hand and how long it will last if your income dries up. Also, evaluate monthly your total accounts payable and the number of days that accounts are outstanding because a slowdown in accounts payable will lead to cash-flow crunches.

Disaster management

Some businesses never reopen after a natural disaster such as flood or fire. That’s why you need to develop a risk management plan in case of a disaster. In many cases, a disaster will make you relocate your business temporarily, and a standard insurance policy will not cover the loss of the income you may suffer in this time. So be prepared for any situation and expect the unexpected.

Avoid long-term commitments

Until and unless a small business is a firmly established, long-term commitment which includes mortgages or car lease payments needs to be avoided. Private automobile usage can help to reduce the business costs and also the initial risks because the upfront investment of cash is not required. If the business doesn’t take off as expected, you shouldn’t end up locked into long-term commitments you cannot afford. You might have to face negative feedback, but that shouldn’t invalidate your morale or idea, instead should strengthen the preposition and encourage you in that manner. Achieving business success depends upon good luck, putting in place measures and going ahead with the strategies that help you to succeed. To learn more about having the right mindset towards your business, follow me on Instagram @ …

